The process begins with obtaining the mead that is extracted from magueys between 8 and 10 years of age. These magueys are «capados», they are left to age for a period of 6 to 12 months, which increases the sugar content in the mead. After that period of aging, the center of the maguey is scraped where the mead accumulates, which after fermentation and combined with «seed mead» becomes pulque.
of PRE-HISPANIC origin
Pulque is a simply wonderful drink. This is due not only to its delicious taste, its flexibility to «cure» with multiple fruits and other ingredients or its long history and tradition; This drink of pre-Hispanic origin, which is obtained by fermenting the mead extracted from the maguey, also has numerous medicinal properties and is nutritionally highly recommended.

the properties of pulque
Pulque is rich in bacteria with probiotic characteristics that inhibit pathogenic microorganisms (Source: IPN). The possibility that it helps reduce cholesterol is contemplated so it could help combat cardiovascular problems (Source: IPN).
The nutritional richness of pulque is due, among other qualities, to the fact that it includes proteins (1.99mg / 100gr), vitamin C (4.6mg / 100gr) and vitamin B2 (0.29mg / 100gr).
Degrees of alcohol